Steps away from your financial security


Retirement is now well underway, and you want to live your life smoothly like a long, quiet river.

Is your income sufficient to cover unexpected costs due to a loss of autonomy?

Panification financière | BESOINS DES AINÉS | Diane Alarie Panification financière | BESOINS DES AINÉS | Diane Alarie Financial planning | NEEDS OF SENIORS | Diane Alarie

The results of the Quebec Survey on Activity Limitations, Chronic Diseases and Aging (QEQLAV, 2010-2011) show that 7.3% of people aged 15 to 64 have a disability classified as moderate or severe, but that this rate rises to 26.1% among those aged 65 and over, to 59.1% among those aged 85 and over. *

It is sometimes difficult to admit to oneself and even more so when relatives strongly suggest that we “sell” to go to retirement homes, residences for the elderly; another mourning to do…

You want to stay at home. Will you have help covering the cost of mobility-facilitating devices, such as wheelchair ramps, grab bars, and side-access tubs? Will you have the means to benefit from assistance or accompaniment from caregivers or agencies?

The loss of autonomy forces us to consider this reality. Where will we go? What can we afford?

Obviously, your worries will be alleviated if this period of your life has been planned.

Financial health designed for you ?

Your advisor Diane Alarie, who is familiar with the situation of seniors, can guide you in your planning to deal with these aspects:

* Source: Institut de la statistique du Québec, dernière date de modification : 12 janvier 2021