“The results of the Quebec Survey on Activity Limitations, Chronic Diseases and Aging (QEQLV, 2010-2011) show that 7.3% of people aged 15 to 64 have a disability classified as moderate or severe, but that this rate rises to 26.1% among those aged 65 and over, to reach 59.1% among those aged 85 and over.” **
Whether it’s your spouse, your mother, a grandparent, a brother, a sister, grief is always an ordeal. There is no hierarchy in pain. But losing your husband, your wife, the person with whom you shared your days and nights, is a violent trauma. “Let the words” for better or for worse” were or were not pronounced one day, writes Dr. Christophe Fauré, psychiatrist, in his essay Vivre le deuil au jour au jour (Albin Michel), we had welcomed with joy the best and we had tried to accommodate the worst, but we had quickly forgotten this “until death separated us”…”As for the future, the dreams we had developed and cherished together, the trips we would one day have time to make, the grandchildren we would see grow up together, we must also mourn them.” *
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