Steps away from your financial security

0 - 20 years

Our babies are charming, our children adorable,
our teens …daredevils !

Are we able to cope with a situation that would affect them ?

“In Quebec as is Canada, accidents being the leading cause of death in children under four years old, before illnesses. It only takes a few minutes for a child to escape the vigilance of its parents”*

Financial planning | 0-20 years | Diane Alarie

In such a situation …

“Since the mid-2000s, falls (55%) have been the leading cause of traumatic brain injury (TBI) hospitalizations between 2007 and 2009. Injuries associated with motor vehicle occupants (16%) are also significant among these hospitalizations”

Cases involving cyclists (6%) and those of recreational and athletic origin (7%) also make up a significant proportion of hospitalizations attributable to a TBI.

Financial health designed for you

Did you know ?

A child insured at a young age will be able to keep his insurance all his life even if his health deteriorates ?

There are different insurances that can protect you in the event of a difficult situation for your child ?

Life assurance / critical illness / accidental fracture insurance

Your child is privileged and everything is going wonderfully 😊; it is wise to start thinking about his studies.

Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

During this period, different factors can occupy our thoughts, find out more on:

  • Needs of your children
  • Life Insurance – child
  • Critical illness Insurance – child
  • It is wise to start thinking about his studies with a RESP
  • * Selon les derniers relevés de l’Institut de la statistique du Québec 2010-2014
  • ** Évolution des hospitalisations attribuables aux traumatismes craniocérébraux d’origine non intentionnelle au Québec, Institut national de santé publique du Québec, 2012